Teams and business

Configure Unlock 1Password with Auth0

Learn how to set up 1Password to unlock with Auth0.

With 1Password Business, you can bring single sign-on (SSO) authentication to your team members by connecting Auth0 with 1Password using Unlock with SSO.

Unlock with SSO doesn’t include automated provisioning. If you want to create users and groups, manage access, and suspend 1Password users with your identity provider, learn how to automate provisioning using SCIM.

Before you begin

Before you begin, review the considerations and requirements for Unlock with SSO.

These steps were recorded in March 2024 and may have changed since. Refer to the Auth0 documentation  for the most up-to-date steps.

Step 1: Add the 1Password SSO application to Auth0

To get started, sign in to the Auth0 Dashboard  then follow these steps:

  1. In the sidebar, choose Applications > Applications and click Create Application.
  2. Enter a name for your application, choose Native, and click Create. You’ll be taken to the application page.
  3. Click Settings, then keep this page open and continue to the next step.

Step 2: Configure Unlock with SSO


The changes you make below won’t be saved until you successfully authenticate with Auth0. This prevents you from losing access to 1Password.

2.1: Set up Unlock with SSO

  1. Open a new browser tab or window and sign in to your account on
  2. Click Policies in the sidebar, then click Manage under Configure Identity Provider.
  3. Choose Other from the list of identity providers and click Next.
  4. Select Auth0 from list then fill out its information:
    • Copy and paste the Client ID from your Auth0 application page.
    • Enter your well-known URL in the following format and replace domain with the Domain on your application page. For example:
  5. Click Next and continue to step 2.2.

2.2: Configure the Auth0 application

From the app overview page you’re taken to after completing step 1:

  1. Fill out the following fields:
    • Allowed Callback URLs: Paste the Browser Redirect URI and Native App Redirect URI from the “Set up redirects” page, separated by a comma.
    • Allowed Web Origins: Enter your sign-in address. For example,
  2. Scroll down and click Save Changes.

2.3: Test the connection

Once you’ve configured your settings, go back to the Configure Identity Provider page and test the connection. You’ll be directed to Auth0 to sign in, then returned to 1Password. This verifies connectivity between 1Password and Auth0.

Step 3: Specify which team members will unlock 1Password with Auth0 and set a grace period

After you configure Unlock with SSO, you’ll be redirected to the settings page in your 1Password account. Before you configure your settings, you’ll need to create groups for the team members who will unlock 1Password with Auth0:

  1. Create a custom group.

    Give the group a descriptive name, like "Auth0 SSO", for clarity.

  2. Add team members to the group.

    If you plan to invite additional team members to test Unlock with Auth0 at a later date, create a new custom group for each additional set of testers.

The group(s) you create don’t have to be permanent, and you can eventually set your whole team to unlock with SSO once some groups have successfully migrated.

3.1: Choose who will unlock with Auth0


Users in the Owners group can’t unlock with Auth0 and will continue to sign in to 1Password using their account password and Secret Key. This helps safeguard them from being locked out in the event that they can’t access their trusted devices and no one can recover them.

Learn more about implementing a recovery plan for your team.

By default, “People unlocking 1Password with an identity provider” is set to “No one”. This allows you to gradually migrate your team to unlock with Auth0. To specify which team members will unlock 1Password with Auth0, select one of the options:

  • No one: To turn off Unlock with Auth0, select No one.
  • Only groups you select: Only the team members in groups you choose will sign in with Auth0. Learn how to use custom groups in 1Password Business.
  • Everyone except: groups you exclude: All team members, except owners and groups you choose to exclude, will sign in with Auth0. Existing users in this scope will be prompted to switch to Unlock with Auth0. New users, except those in excluded groups, will use their Auth0 username and password when joining 1Password. Owners will sign in with an account password and Secret Key.
  • Everyone except: guests: All team members, except owners and guests, will sign in with Auth0. All existing users will be prompted to switch to Unlock with Auth0, and all new users will use their Auth0 username and password when joining 1Password. Guests and owners will sign in with an account password and Secret Key.
  • Everyone: Guests and all team members, except owners, will sign in with Auth0. All existing users will be prompted to switch to Unlock with Auth0, and all new users will use their Auth0 username and password when joining 1Password.

3.2: Set a grace period

Team members who already have 1Password accounts will need to switch to unlock with Auth0. Specify the number of days before team members must switch. Consider the following when you set the grace period:

  • By default, the grace period is set to 5 days. It can be set to 1 to 30 days.
  • The grace period begins when an administrator adds a group after they choose the “Only groups you select” option or when an administrator configures Unlock with Auth0 for everyone on the team. You’ll see the grace period listed next to each group configured to unlock with Auth0.
  • If a team member belongs to more than one group, their grace period is determined by the first group set up with SSO, even if the grace periods are different for those groups.
  • If you add a user to a group with an expired grace period, you or another administrator will need to recover their account so they can set up unlock with SSO.
  • If you edit the length of the grace period, it’ll be prolonged or shortened from the original configuration date. The grace period count doesn’t reset to zero when updated.
  • If you plan to have more team members unlock with Auth0 after initial configuration, it’s best to create a new custom group with its own grace period. This will make sure newly assigned team members won’t need their accounts recovered.


If a team member doesn’t migrate to Unlock with Auth0 before the end of the grace period, they’ll be signed out of all their devices and must contact an administrator to recover their account.

Manage settings

To manage your settings, sign in to your account on, then click Policies in the sidebar and click Manage under Configure Identity Provider.


To change your configuration with Auth0, click Edit Configuration, then follow the onscreen instructions to set up Unlock with SSO. You can only set up one identity provider to unlock with SSO. If you need to switch to a different one after setup, contact 1Password Support.

You can only save an identity provider configuration after you've successfully tested the connection. Changes won't be saved if you can't successfully authenticate with Auth0. This prevents you from losing access to 1Password.

People assignments and biometrics

Click Edit at the bottom of the settings page to change which users are assigned to unlock 1Password with Auth0.

  • To specify which team members will unlock 1Password with Auth0, select an option in the Who can unlock 1Password with an identity provider section.

    "Only groups you select" is recommended. Learn how to use custom groups in 1Password Business. To turn off Unlock with SSO, select No one.

  • Specify the number of days before team members must switch to unlocking with Auth0.

    The default grace period is 5 days. If a team member doesn't migrate to Unlock with Auth0 before the end of the grace period, they must contact their administrator to recover their account.

  • To allow team members to unlock with Touch ID, Face ID, Windows Hello, and other biometrics, select Allow people to unlock 1Password using biometrics. Specify the number of days or weeks before they’ll be asked to sign in to Auth0 again.

    When biometric unlock is turned on, your team members can access 1Password while offline, until the time period specified. Vault access will be online-only after the elapsed period.

Click Review Changes to verify your choices, then click Save.

Next steps

To use Unlock with Auth0 yourself, get started with Unlock 1Password with Auth0 as a team member.

Learn how to unlock 1Password with Auth0 on all of your devices and add additional trusted devices.


If your IT team has a policy that clears browsing data when a browser is closed, exclude your team’s sign-in address from that policy to make sure your team members won’t lose access to their trusted device.

You can also encourage your team to set up other trusted devices, like the 1Password desktop app, after they sign up or switch to unlock with SSO.

Get help

You can find your Application ID and OpenID configuration document URL on the overview page of the application you created in step 1.

If a team member is moved from a group that unlocks with Auth0 to one that doesn’t, they’ll be prompted to create an account password and download their Emergency Kit.

Get help if you need to switch to a new identity provider after you set up Unlock with SSO.

Learn more
