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How to contact 1Password support

Need some assistance with 1Password? We’re here to help!

1Password support chatbot

BitBot is our AI-assisted chatbot who can provide instant answers to your questions. If you’re looking to connect with a human, no worries! BitBot can also help you create a support ticket for our team.

Select the Chat button in the corner of your screen to begin.

Chatbot icon

Get help if you’re having trouble finding the chatbot in your browser.

Email 1Password support

Our friendly AI-assisted chatbot can help you get the information you need right away. If you do need to contact us, BitBot can connect you with our support team by email.

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If you’re not seeing the chatbot icon in your browser, make sure you don’t have any extensions or settings in your browser that would be blocking cookies. You can also manage your privacy options on by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the bottom of any page on
  2. Select Your Privacy Options on the bottom footer.
  3. Make your selections, and then select Confirm Selections.

    Essential purposes and Functional are required to use the 1Password support chatbot.

Privacy option on the support site

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